The Laté 28 is brought back to life at Montaudran

The Laté 28 project

On March 7, 2022 the official launch of the project to reconstruct a legendary Laté 28 aircraft took place!

At the initiative of Toulouse Métropole and supported by L’Envol des Pionniers, this major project aims to reconstruct an identical Laté 28 aircraft on the very site where it was built almost 100 years ago!

The Laté 28, A Little Bit of History

This 19-metre wingspan monoplane, which entered service in 1929, is considered one of the first modern airliners.

Able to accommodate up to eight passengers, it was at the origin of numerous exploits, breaking several speed records.

It was on board a Laté 28 that the aviator Jean Mermoz managed to cross the South Atlantic with mail for the first time in 1930.

The Characteristics of the Laté 28

  • Designed and built in Montaudran by the Latécoère workshops, the Laté-28 is one of the company’s successes.
  • 50 models were built between 1927 and 1932.
  • Single-engine, high-wing “parasol” type engine with two-blade propeller .
  • Intended for civil and postal transport. It was available in multiple versions, including military and seaplane.
  • Sixteen world records to its credit!

A Unique Educational Project with Toulouse Academy

19 technological and vocational high schools are embarking on the adventure.

The students will be supported by the Laté 28 association, which is monitoring the smooth running of the project and provides all the technical expertise to create the plane.

This project is an exceptional educational medium for transmitting yesterday’s values and know-how in terms of today’s technologies.

It also aims to promote technological and professional sectors. It is part of The Year of Mechanics 2021-2022  supported by the French Association of Mechanics and supported by National Education

The project in stages

  • 2021-2022: Launch and structuring of the project
  • 2022-2023: Production of wing and fuselage parts
  • 2023-2024: Assembly of the wing structure and fuselage
  • 2024-2025: Production of parts for the tailplane, fin and landing gear
  • 2025-2026: Assembly of the different subassemblies
  • 2026-2027: Finishing of the complete aircraft
  • 2028: Delivery of the aircraft

Follow the Project at L’Envol des Pionniers

To bring this reconstruction project to life for its visitors, L’Envol des Pionniers will organise presentations during several special events.

The assembly of the aircraft will be carried out in the Air France hangars, former engine workshops, located opposite L’Envol des Pionniers.

To stay informed of the progress of the project, please follow L’Envol des Pionniers on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or YouTube) or subscribe to the L’Envol des Pionniers newsletter (at the bottom of the page)!

A project

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A project carried out in association with

With the support of the Cercle des Machines Volantes

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In partnership with :

A Year of Mechanics 2021-2022 event

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